Even at an EasterCon, a six-foot woman with a wacky plastic MonQee draws attention.
Spending his days at the front of the Forbidden Planet stand and his evenings escorting me to bars and parties, MonQee rapidly became a vortex of attention. Creepy-cute and sinister with his white body and featureless face, everyone wanted to know what he was, and why I was carrying him. I found myself being smiled at, stopped and spoken to all over the hotel.
After I’d shamelessly accosted the first few authors, the snowslide rapidly became an avalanche. Saturday morning, Loudmouthman took some MonQee footage in the Dealers’ Room – and we gathered quite an audience. Saturday night, the rumour went round the Scandinavian Party that ‘you were no-one at EasterCon unless you’d signed the MonQee’… and then the authors and artists started looking for me.
MonQee was in the Con newsletter; they gave him his own membership. MonQee was in control tower central to meet the Guests of Honour before the Opening Ceremony. As MonQee continued his tour, he gained more fans, more signatures and more credibility.
And more humour.
Charlie Stross – quite unashamedly – signed MonQee’s arse. China Mieville sewed his lips together; Neil Gaiman gave him an eye – which freaked fans out for the rest of the Con. Bryan Talbot drew him a full back patch and Dave Devereux went where no pen had dared go before and signed his groin.
A full set of MonQee pictures can be seen on my Flickr page.
Exhausted from partying, MonQee is home, safely tucked up in his box awaiting forthcoming FP signings and his invite to the Arthur C Clarke Awards. More of his adventures will come.
For now, I would like to thank: -
Chris 'Fangorn' Baker
Tony Ballantyne
Chaz Brenchley
Holly Black
Ed Buckley
Paul Cornell
David Devereux
Brianna Flynt
Neil Gaiman
Amanda Hemingway
Tanith Lee
Tom Lloyd
Kari Maund
China Mieville
Andy Remic
Justina Robson
Mark Robson
Geoff Ryman
Sarah Singleton
Charles Stross
James Swallow
Bryan Talbot
Freda Warrington
Liz Williams
Frank Wu
MonQee’s travels continue: there will be more!
Absolutely fantastic the Monqee moves !( or was that the turtle ? )
Looking forward to seeing some of the footage you took on Saturday as well. And look out for the MonQee on Seesmic...
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